On The Same Page Consulting | Contemporary Scribing, Tender and Grant Writing Services

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OTSPC Newsletter #6- EOFY reflection and our No Shame Policy

Hi everyone, 

It’s late July and that means we are all thinking about the tasks we need to do to close out financial year 2023-24.  

July, for me, is time to finish off my budget for the next financial year, update my business plan and tidy up my bookkeeping. It is also time to think about putting plans in place to meet the goals I have set for the coming year. 

I was asked last month if I had a good cashflow projection and I had to be honest and say that I didn’t. I have always had a business plan. I have a basic marketing plan. I usually know what I need to make to keep my cashflow healthy.

But I’ll be honest, it’s easier talking to others about this stuff. I get a bit of analysis paralysis when I start to look at my own numbers. I don’t even know why. I guess it’s like the tradie that doesn’t do the repairs their partner asks for. 

But the thing is – this is my third full financial year so it’s about time I get my act together. I am super organised for this one. Not because I like following plans (to be honest – I hate them), but because I have a team of people that rely on me for their pays each fortnight and because at this point in my business journey - I need to be intentional and structured. To grow I need the team to help me achieve the plan.  

Have you got a team? Do they know what your plan or even vision is?  

If you know us at all, you know we can help you with the plan and the vision.

Enough pitching...

Enjoy this newsletter and I hope you enjoy the rest of the dry season/winter. 



That’s all for this edition. Thanks for taking the time to read it.  If there's anything you'd like to know more about, let's chat.