OTSPC Newsletter #6- EOFY reflection and our No Shame Policy

Hi everyone, 

It’s late July and that means we are all thinking about the tasks we need to do to close out financial year 2023-24.  

July, for me, is time to finish off my budget for the next financial year, update my business plan and tidy up my bookkeeping. It is also time to think about putting plans in place to meet the goals I have set for the coming year. 

I was asked last month if I had a good cashflow projection and I had to be honest and say that I didn’t. I have always had a business plan. I have a basic marketing plan. I usually know what I need to make to keep my cashflow healthy.

But I’ll be honest, it’s easier talking to others about this stuff. I get a bit of analysis paralysis when I start to look at my own numbers. I don’t even know why. I guess it’s like the tradie that doesn’t do the repairs their partner asks for. 

But the thing is – this is my third full financial year so it’s about time I get my act together. I am super organised for this one. Not because I like following plans (to be honest – I hate them), but because I have a team of people that rely on me for their pays each fortnight and because at this point in my business journey - I need to be intentional and structured. To grow I need the team to help me achieve the plan.  

Have you got a team? Do they know what your plan or even vision is?  

If you know us at all, you know we can help you with the plan and the vision.

Enough pitching...

Enjoy this newsletter and I hope you enjoy the rest of the dry season/winter. 



  • As you read above, I shared some truths about my planning in the spirit of transparency and our "no shame policy".  

    What is a no shame policy?  

    Well, it’s just our way of saying that we won’t make people feel bad for asking for help with writing, planning, reporting, or trying to sort something out like a policy or tender library or even just a formal letter they need help with.  

    Here at OTSPC we help you write right, but the key word isn’t right or even write - it’s help. We are here to help.  

    In case you aren't aware, here’s the things we helped our customers with last month: 

    • start-up business plan, three-way cashflow and risk register  

    • program logic  

    • grant progress report  

    • grant applications  

    • recruitment scribing 

    • scribing a workshop and writing a report about it

    • pilot program report 

    • pitch for a panel contract 

    • a Performance Management Policy 

    • project plans 

    • tender 

    • secretariat for committee meeting  

    As you can see, we do a range of things that help our clients. It’s broad.

    More than half of those projects started with our client not knowing how to start or finish or not knowing exactly what was needed to get their message across.

    We walked alongside them and figured it out with them.  

    So, if you are stuck on a document, or documenting an idea, project or business, reach out and let’s chat about how to approach it. 

  • This month the team at OTSPC got together and wrote a list of apps we can’t live without. We thought you might be interested in what we think are the most important apps and why. 

    Paprika Recipe Manager: A recipe manager app that lets us save, organise, and access recipes easily but more importantly, it creates a great shopping list for busy people.  

    Pinterest: You probably already know what it is - but did you know that there is some great content on business and leadership on there to be for discovered, saved, and shared. 

    Kindle: Because a few of us are real bookworms. 

    ABC News: To keep in touch with the big wide world outside our home offices. 

    TripIt: A travel organiser app that helps us manage travel itineraries, reservations, and plans. It is especially good for keeping loved ones and assistants or support staff in the loop or for making bookings as a team or group travelling.

    Spotify: Because, for some of us, music streaming is what keeps us in the right mood while working from home. 

    Messages: Keeping in touch - obviously. 

    BOM: Gaylene is a sailor, so she is always looking at information about the weather, wind and conditions on BOM and many other apps. 

    Clock: Mostly for setting alarms that we just want to snooze now that it is cool in the mornings. 

    Maps: Because some of us are better at writing than we are at finding our way around. 

    Calendar: This is kind of obvious but it's amazing how much this app can help us schedule and keep track of our events, appointments, and tasks. 

    Authenticator: Something that some of us feel gets as much use as the calendar app, or maybe more. 

    We would love to know if you have any favourite apps that help you run your business or life. Feel free to message us to let us know.  

    Note: we have no affiliation with any of these - as you can tell from the lack of links. 

  • Here are a few things we thought you might or might know that can really help with corporate (or any) writing:

    1. Before you start writing anything - write down the audience, the intent, and then the message you want to convey (remember the acronym AIM). That information can even be the first line of your writing.

      For example… Hey newsletter readers, my intention here today is to help you get to know me and on the same page consulting a bit better. I want to tell you that I won’t make you feel at all ashamed of not knowing how to start writing. 

    1. When you are preparing a PowerPoint, use images or diagrams as much as, or more than, you use words. When you do use words, use the 6 x 6 rule. Six words across six lines down - no more!  

    2. When you are writing a memo write the TO and the FROM and then go straight to the recommendations section. Once you’ve written the recommendations, you can start to fill out the rest of the memo to explain why you’ve made those recommendations.  

    We hope you found these helpful, if you are interested in more writing tips - get in touch so we can tell you about a little project we are working on...

  • Virtual to mobile - a small change to our operating model

    As of late September/ early October, Conni will be heading off in her mobile office (AKA bubble).  

    On the Same Page Consulting will still be operating as usual just from a caravan office. With modern technology today, we are sure it will be interesting, but expect it may also be a bit challenging.  

    Let's be clear - Conni will not be holidaying (for all of it) but her husband will be. Conni will just be working mobile.

    We will have staff in Darwin during this period so can arrange limited in person services if needed. 

    If you want to keep in touch, please follow or connect with Conni on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/conni-warren-36728529


    The Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF) in partnership with Kings Narrative, will be delivering a First Nations Changemaker Workshop in Alice Springs. 

    Kings Narrative are searching for change agents who wish to lead change in their local community for a two-day Changemaker Workshop. This is a thought-provoking development opportunity for First Nations people looking to enhance and build upon their existing leadership skills and knowledge. 

    Click on the Facebook event link for further details.  


    It’s time to start thinking about what you want to get out of October Business Month. Early bird tickets are now on sale. There are a huge number of great events to attend and some brilliant keynote speakers.  

    Check it out here: https://obm.nt.gov.au

  • Multicultural grants program- Support

    The aim of MGP Support is to provide funding towards innovative projects addressing emerging issues in the multicultural community such as education and skills development, employment, social isolation and other such issues. 

    Applications close: 15/08/2024


    Biz Secure – Business Security Assistance Program

    The Biz Secure Program supports Territory businesses to enhance the safety and security of their facilities against break-ins and crime. Territory businesses can apply to receive a voucher to undertake security improvement works. 

    Applications close: 30/06/2025


    Business Security & Safety Audit Program

    The Business Security and Safety Audit Program helps businesses identify works required to deter and protect its premises and workers from crime and anti-social behaviour. 

    The program is designed to contribute to the safety and wellbeing of employees. 

    It will also help with reducing the incidents of: 

    • anti-social behaviour 

    • crime 

    • other security risks. 

    Applications close: 30/06/2025


    NT Aboriginal Investment Corp. Grants

    new NTAIC grant guidelines that have just been released.

    They are very different from the previous ones which had quite broad guidelines and were based on different approval limits and only two categories of General (up to $1.5M over 3 years) and Innovation grants (unlimited). 

    It is worth noting that the business (for profit) grants are very different than before.

    There are now three categories, (compared with the previous two):

    Community Quick Response Grants

    Open on 1 August and open for application throughout the year

    $1,000-$10,000 in non-competitive funding for one-off projects that benefit the community, and are for not-for-profit community organisations only. See guidelines here.

    Community Impact and Innovation Grants (Round 1)

    Round 1 open 1 October 2024 to 1 February 2025.

    $300,000 - $1,000,000 competitive grant funding for not-for-profit community organisations. See guidelines here.

    Business Grants (Round 1)

    Round 1 open 1 September to 1 December 2024.

    Business Start-Up Grant: Up to $100,000 (GST exclusive) once only.

    Business Growth Grant: Up to $150,000 (GST exclusive) a maximum of once every three years for a discrete growth project.

    Funding can be used for property, plant and equipment, fit out costs, staff wages for 6 months (conditions apply), direct business and admin costs (ie insurances) and Essential professional services and consultancy (e.g. taxation, legal, financial) to a maximum of 10% of the grant funding sought.

    See guidelines here.

     You can find all the detail about the new grants program here.

    If you are not sure about eligibility and want to discuss your options, we would love to have a chat and help you. We also know of other grant funding for Aboriginal organisations and would love to help you navigate the opportunities.

    Click here to book a time to chat.

That’s all for this edition. Thanks for taking the time to read it.  If there's anything you'd like to know more about, let's chat. 

Conni Warren

Despite not being born and bred in the NT, Conni Warren has lived the Darwin way of life since childhood, she has raised a family, and worked and run successful businesses in Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs.

Conni understands banks, government, and business as well as many subjects including sales, public and business admin. As a Corporate Writer, she spends her days writing tenders, grants, policies, plans and reports and sharing her knowledge with others on various platforms.


Employing different generations


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