On The Same Page Consulting | Contemporary Scribing, Tender and Grant Writing Services

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OTSPC Newsletter #3 - Growing Pains and the Road to Better Business

How was your last month? Mine was hard.

Among the many challenges was a big tender that was slow to come together, lots of work (no complaints), clashing deadlines, staff that took much deserved time off, a disorganised invoicing system (me), an event that never got off the ground and two clients that we said goodbye to because we weren't on the same page.

None of these were insurmountable on their own, but together they felt like a lot.

What I realised over the last month, as a business owner, is that now that there is more than just me, I need to make a conscious effort to separate myself from On the Same Page Consulting as an entity.

Let me explain.

I have always seen myself as somebody that could teach myself almost anything and make any project work. This has been reinforced by previous managers, my family, and past performance. BUT it hasn’t always be healthy.

What I realised in the last month also is that this outlook is not a good way to run a business.

I realised that there are often early indicators that a project or a relationship may go awry.

I’m learning to read (and record) these early indicators for what they are and make decisions to help me and my team get better results and enjoy our work more.

But I will not be putting people or projects in the too hard basket.

I love that On the Same Page Consulting takes on the messy challenging and interesting projects that it does. I will just be communicating clearly to everybody how we work and how to get the best out of OTSPC early on and addressing challenges as they arise.

I’ll also be separating myself and my personal ideas and stories from the business.

Have you grappled with anything like this in your business? Have you successfully changed how you look at your business differently to your own identity? I'd love to hear more.

Otherwise, enjoy the next month while the holiday season creeps ever closer...


That’s all for this edition. Thanks for taking the time to read it.  If there's anything you'd like to know more about, let's chat.