OTSPC Newsletter #3 - Growing Pains and the Road to Better Business

How was your last month? Mine was hard.

Among the many challenges was a big tender that was slow to come together, lots of work (no complaints), clashing deadlines, staff that took much deserved time off, a disorganised invoicing system (me), an event that never got off the ground and two clients that we said goodbye to because we weren't on the same page.

None of these were insurmountable on their own, but together they felt like a lot.

What I realised over the last month, as a business owner, is that now that there is more than just me, I need to make a conscious effort to separate myself from On the Same Page Consulting as an entity.

Let me explain.

I have always seen myself as somebody that could teach myself almost anything and make any project work. This has been reinforced by previous managers, my family, and past performance. BUT it hasn’t always be healthy.

What I realised in the last month also is that this outlook is not a good way to run a business.

I realised that there are often early indicators that a project or a relationship may go awry.

I’m learning to read (and record) these early indicators for what they are and make decisions to help me and my team get better results and enjoy our work more.

But I will not be putting people or projects in the too hard basket.

I love that On the Same Page Consulting takes on the messy challenging and interesting projects that it does. I will just be communicating clearly to everybody how we work and how to get the best out of OTSPC early on and addressing challenges as they arise.

I’ll also be separating myself and my personal ideas and stories from the business.

Have you grappled with anything like this in your business? Have you successfully changed how you look at your business differently to your own identity? I'd love to hear more.

Otherwise, enjoy the next month while the holiday season creeps ever closer...


  • At OTSPC, we are big believers in research and that the answer to any question is out there. This month, I want to share some of the resources that are around for small businesses.

    NT Small Business Champions – these people are a free resource provided by the NT Government for Small Business – they are well connected to the small biz services, grants, and other programs. If you haven’t already got a Small Business Champion – check them out at one of the Territory Business Centres or online at https://nt.gov.au/industry/business-support/small-business-champions

    I love business.gov.au - This is an Australian Government Initiative and if you have met me, you might find that I have already told you about it. My two favourite sections of it are:

    • Risk Management - easy to follow with lots of tools

    • Employees - I use this section to create all my Employment Contracts - it is so easy to use and produces an up-to-date contract to support you employing someone.

    NT Indigenous Business Network - this organisation is the peak body for indigenous businesses in the NT. They are passionate business growth and advocacy services provider that understands and acts with commercial principles. Check them out here:

    Business Enterprise Centre NT - a great place to start if you are a startup. Check out their online training and information.

    If you are or wanting to be a tourism business - check out Tourism NT's Tourism Business Support program here: https://www.tourismnt.com.au/research-strategies/strategies/tourism-business-support

    If you are a small business or family enterprise and you need support with disputes, mental health, financial wellbeing or disaster preparation and recovery - check out the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman. As an idea of what they are all about - last week they put out a media release about the impact of the Optus outage on small businesses.

    If you think that you have identified a conflict of interest, fraud, corruption or improper conduct in relation to NT Government funding or decisions or you just want to know more about these subjects - check out the NT Independent Commissioner Against Corruption for training and information, including videos.

    There are lots more where they come from - please feel free to reach out if you think I can help you to find the right information on these or other related subjects.

    First person information about starting a small business - Justine O'Brien is one of the writers at On the Same Page Consulting. In the spirit of developing others, I am proud to say that I am supporting Justine on her journey starting her own business. She has written a blog on it here: Starting a Business

  • Do you follow me on socials? I am often reposting jobs or other opportunities with the #NTOpportunities handle. I genuinely believe that the NT is full of opportunities.

    On that note, I want to ask - do you know anyone that is interested in a career as a corporate writer?

    I am on the lookout for talent, we are looking to grow the team and I would be interested in talking to anyone that is interested in joining this work from home, friendly, supportive, and kind team.

    We value diversity and encourage everyone with the required skills and experience to apply for vacancies and strongly encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to apply.

    For more information, email conni.warren@onthesamepageconsulting.com

    If you don't want a job but do want to read some of my thoughts on recruitment, check out these two blogs:

  • Buying a ticket for the AEDF11 was a last-minute decision, but one of the best I have made. I went because I am always interested in the discussions around policy and the interaction between economic and social benefits. Primarily, my reason to go was because I know some of the great work that NTIBN do for their members, but I wanted to know more. What I got was way more than a forum and associated networking - I met people that are doing great work that I never knew were Aboriginal business, I caught up with my clients past and present and I was inspired and moved.

    Particularly interesting was the conversations about values and policy. Two of note were:


    These panel conversations were lively, provocative, and moving. They were also well thought out and considered and they provided me with new ways of thinking and new ways of understanding.

    I also wanted to share a product that is new to the NT and was showcased at AEDF11 - Aboriginal art printed tables and soft furnishing available from Territory Office Furniture Solutions, a young NT Aboriginal owned business. I particularly like these coffee tables that adjust up to be cocktail tables - brilliant.

    So for you, my reader, the message is - if you get a chance to get out of your comfort zone and step into a new space - I highly recommend it. It's hard to be a minority and in this space, I felt that, but I also felt the enormous generosity and acceptance that is alive in this community and it only inspires me on my journey as an ally even more.

    See images below from the event.

  • The Australian Government has released funding for Justice Reinvestment - this one part of the broader Justice Reinvestment Program working with First Nations' communities to reduce the overrepresentation of young people and adults in the criminal justice system. There are grants available to community organisations that want to contribute to this program. Find out more here: https://www.ag.gov.au/legal-system/justice-reinvestment

    The Australian Government is inviting applications through an open grant process to apply to deliver services under the Social Impact Investing Program – Social Enterprise Development Initiative (SEDI). SEDI will engage a Grants Administrator to provide capability building grants of up to $120,000 (GST exclusive) to eligible social enterprises. The grants will be targeted towards supporting social enterprises to be more effective and efficient in demonstrating and increasing social impact for the vulnerable individuals and communities they exist to support. For more information visit: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=57a5940a-9e0e-4260-9811-06a286ac7f68

    The NT Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities has released the tender for the Managing Contractor for the National Aboriginal Art Gallery - Two Stage Managing Contractor Contract (project management). Whilst this won't be a contract for everyone to bid on - there will be lots of opportunities for Alice Springs businesses and social enterprises to watch for as the project moves towards build and then business as usual operation. If it’s something for your business, check out the tender here: https://tendersonline.nt.gov.au/Tender/Details?id=23234

  • Can you believe it is just weeks until Christmas and the New Year is celebrated?

    Over the holiday period, On the Same Page Consulting, like many of you, will be taking a break to spend time with family and friends, recharge and relax. We will close on Thursday, 21 December and reopen on Monday, 8 January.

That’s all for this edition. Thanks for taking the time to read it.  If there's anything you'd like to know more about, let's chat. 

Conni Warren

Despite not being born and bred in the NT, Conni Warren has lived the Darwin way of life since childhood, she has raised a family, and worked and run successful businesses in Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs.

Conni understands banks, government, and business as well as many subjects including sales, public and business admin. As a Corporate Writer, she spends her days writing tenders, grants, policies, plans and reports and sharing her knowledge with others on various platforms.


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Starting a Business