Why hire a corporate writer to write your annual report?

 Annual reports are often overlooked as unnecessary and time-consuming for any organisation. While at On the Same Page Consulting, we believe an annual report is never unnecessary, it is often true that they can be incredibly time-consuming and sometimes quite expensive to create internally.  

Here are a few questions we propose you ask yourself when you are considering how to do your annual report this year:  

  • Do you have the right person to write your annual report? Ask yourself - do they have the big picture view? Do they have an understanding about all the areas of reporting? Are they strong writers that can produce concise, clear and appropriate content?  

  • Does the person have time to prioritise this important project? Often annual reports get completed late or at the last minute because the writer and/or project manager for this task still has a huge workload of other things. Have you given your writer/project manager plenty of time to plan and execute the project of preparing the report including collecting information, following up others and turning a mash of information into something on brand and relevant? 

  • Do your leaders and internal content providers have fresh and objective ideas of how to improve your annual report this year? It is easy to keep regurgitating the same content year after year in your annual report. Have you had fresh eyes on your content to identify useful information to include or irrelevant information to exclude? Do you feel like there is more to be told but you don’t know how to "fit it in"?  

  • If any of these questions prompted you to think that there is opportunity for improvement in your annual reporting, then maybe you do need a corporate writer.  

On The Same Page Consulting’s 'totally objective' opinion is that it is logical to hire a professional corporate writer if you don't have the right people, enough time, or enough objectivity to create the annual report that you need.  

Here's some reasons we think a corporate writer can help. 


1. Creativity in your annual report 

A corporate writer brings a fresh perspective and creative flair to your annual report. They can turn boring data into an engaging narrative, capturing the attention of anyone reading the document.  

By infusing creativity into your report, they ensure that your organisation's achievements are presented in the best possible light and allowing you to use your annual report as a bit of a bragging opportunity: “Look at all this cool stuff we did this year!” 

2. Experience in writing annual reports 

Experience is invaluable when it comes to annual report writing. Corporate writers offering annual report writing services, will have honed their skills through years of practice, allowing them to navigate the complexities of corporate communication.  

A corporate writer will understand the nuances of tone, style, and messaging, ensuring that your report accurately reflects the professionalism and expertise of your brand. 


3. Project management and planning for annual report projects 

Writing an annual report is no small feat, as anyone who has written one can confirm. It requires meticulous planning, coordination, and project management skills to ensure that deadlines are met, and quality is maintained while sticking to a timeline.  

A corporate writer excels in managing such projects, breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and overseeing every stage of the process to deliver a polished final product on time. They also know how to be flexible and use a variety of tactics to ensure that information is collected and drafted in a timely way.  


4. Information gathering for your annual report 

Your organisation is a treasure trove of information but gathering and organising that data can be a daunting task. A corporate writer acts as a liaison, collecting information from various sources within your organisation and distilling it into coherent, cohesive content for your annual report. 

A good corporate writer knows that sometimes, the only way to get the information is to sit down and listen collecting up the information verbally.  


5. Fresh eyes and new ideas in your annual report 

Sometimes, you need a fresh perspective to breathe new life into your annual report. A corporate writer brings a fresh set of eyes to the table, offering innovative ideas and insights that can take your report to the next level.  

Whether it's incorporating multimedia elements or adopting a storytelling approach, they can help you stand out from the crowd. 


6. Polished Precision for a well written annual report 

Attention to detail is paramount when it comes to annual reports. From proofreading for grammatical errors to ensuring consistency in formatting, a corporate writer meticulously polishes every aspect of your report.  They understand the importance of clarity and accuracy, ensuring that your report is polished and professional from start to finish. 


7. Financial and corporate fluency in your annual report 

Understanding financial reports and other data is a crucial skill for any corporate writer. They can translate complex financial jargon into plain English, making it easier for stakeholders to grasp the important stuff. Whether it's explaining revenue streams or explaining safety and environmental management strategies, a good corporate writer ensures that your organisation's information is presented in a clear and understandable way. 

8. An editing, proofreading and formatting service for annual reports 

Even if you've already drafted your annual report, a corporate writer can assist with proofreading and formatting. They can identify and correct errors, improve readability, and ensure that your report adheres to best writing practice and aligns to your corporate brand. 


If annual reporting has been on your mind recently, and you have been trying to decide about how your business will go about it this year- this is your sign to consult a professional.  

Annual reports are SO important for any business, so if you take anything from this blog, let it be that you should always prioritise a well-made annual report. 

For Information about On The Same Page Consulting’s annual report writing services, visit our website here and book in a Fact Find/ Needs Assessment meeting HERE to talk about your corporate writing needs. 

Conni Warren

Despite not being born and bred in the NT, Conni Warren has lived the Darwin way of life since childhood, she has raised a family, and worked and run successful businesses in Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs.

Conni understands banks, government, and business as well as many subjects including sales, public and business admin. As a Corporate Writer, she spends her days writing tenders, grants, policies, plans and reports and sharing her knowledge with others on various platforms.


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