On The Same Page Consulting | Contemporary Scribing, Tender and Grant Writing Services

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What does On The Same Page mean?

My business is 10 months old.

It’s like a baby - just about walking on its own.

On that note, I thought I might share with you all what my business name is all about.

Conni Warren and On The Same Page Consulting

I know that the business name doesn’t matter too much because ultimately my name is probably what people know at the moment.

But the name has so much meaning to me that I wanted to put it in writing so you can get to know me a bit better.

Also, I just love writing so any excuse is a good excuse to create words.

Why On The Same Page Consulting?

“On the same page” is a phrase that people I’ve worked with have heard me say lots.

It’s one of those cliché phrases that are sometimes said to get people to shut up - “ok thanks, we are on the same page now” or, to get more information “let’s get on the same page about this”.

Well! Call me clichéd, but my whole way of operating is about getting on the same page.

Conni Warren in the past

I have spent years being peoples right hand person- kinda Ned Stark to Robert I (and Joffrey I for a short time - thanks Game of Thrones Wiki). Or dare I say - a Donna?

I worked hard to understand my bosses’ preferences, likes and dislikes, priorities, strengths and areas they needed help in.

(I didn’t chop anyones head off or create an electronic version of myself though).

I tried and often succeeded in anticipating their needs and giving them just the right advice, information or support.

I am a huge empath - I see and feel it all.

It’s a blessing and a curse.

Conni Warren, Consultant

Now that I am a consultant, I really want to use my experience and talents to understand my clients, where they are going, where they’ve been and what drives them.

I want to be a partner and help them to see their strengths and use those to create written submissions, bids, plans, tools, records and other written communication “things” to tell everyone else how awesome they are.

How I get on the same page with my consulting clients

I work mostly with small businesses but also not for profits and sometimes government.

I’ve worked as an employee for all of these structures.

I know stuff but I really want to know about my clients and know their stuff.

I do this by having a meeting at the beginning of every new client relationship.

Before this meeting, if they provide me with enough information, or there is plenty on the internet, I read up on them and their business and I have questions to ask that help me to get on the same page with them.

I love that first meeting.

I love getting to know new people and learning all about them and their business.

Their stories are so interesting.

But what I love more is how over time, I really get to know people and with knowledge from a few meetings and conversations where we are being real, I can start to offer even more value.

What if we can’t get on the same page?

If I start to work with someone and we aren’t a good match, and can’t get on the same page, or even the same book (yep I’m a book nerd) then I will let them know that they need to find someone else.

I would hope you’d do the same.

I don’t want to waste anyones time.

If we aren’t a good fit, let’s just move on.

Being on the same page is about the relationship and trust

So On The Same Page Consulting is all about having a trusting relationship between client and consultant and building knowledge of how best to work together to get things written right.

Also, I’m a book nerd.

The other inspiration for the name comes from my love of books.

I read EVERY day.

I read just about anything.

Are we on the same page? 

So now that you know me and you know what me and the business are about, let me know if you’d like to work together or just have a coffee and network.

You can book a coffee or a discovery meeting with me https://calendly.com/conni-warren



PS. According to WordHippo on the same page is an adjective (idiomatic) meaning “In broad agreement or sharing a common general understanding or knowledge”